Wednesday, May 2, 2012

TU Tuesday- Classified

Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to analyze what the text says explicitly and, then, what that infers about the subject as a whole.

Gorgeous strapless gown with some detail, and side rouching. Fitted through bodice and slight flare below the hips. Not a mermaid gown. Never worn. Size 4. Asking $500. Relocating and don't want to bring it. Located in Delmar.


The Past

The past is always something I struggle with.  I've never really been good at the whole "forgive and forget" saying that some people live by.  Maybe it was the fact that nothing truly bad has-had- ever happened to me, and I just focused in on the other things that I thought were the end of the world and refused to let them go.  Like when Heather Fogs and I wore the same dress to our Junior prom.  I was so upset that it took me until out 10 year reunion to even consider the idea that I really shouldn't be upset at her.  

But this was different.  I'd never had anyone do something to me that hurt me inside so much. For a week straight after what my friends now refer to as "The Incident", I sat in my house and refused to leave or talk to anyone.  I'd cried until I couldn't cry anymore.  My friends were okay with this at first, but after day five, they were starting to get annoyed.  I'm not sure they really understood what he'd meant to me and to lose him so quickly, to lose him because he wanted someone else, a few days of recovery just wasn't going to cut it.

I was hesitant to put up the ad for my dress, the "gorgeous strapless gown with some detail, and side rouching", but after a while I couldn't stand to wake up and look at it every morning, just hanging in my closet along with my everyday clothes.  I tried moving it to the garage at one point, but it still reminded me of him; Leo.  I had decided to let go of him, but as soon as I wrote the words "never worn", I lost it.  

It was my idea really, to go.  I just could't stand to be in my house, I just felt as though I was trapped memories that just kept replaying though my mind. Especially the one I wish I'd forget, from the night of "the Incident".  No one was happy when I shared my plans two weeks ago at our monthly girl's night out.  Actually, most of them were angry with me, telling me that I hand't given myself enough time to get over him, but I knew that I had to go.  I was tired of being "Located in Delmar" and wanted to just be done and gone already.  

The next night I finally typed up my listing for the dress; "Relocating and don't want to bring it", I'd rather just leave it in the past with him.

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