Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tried and True

If I were forced to spend my life in a library, a museum, or a zoo, I would pick the library.  First of all, a library always has something to read, especially large libraries.  A zoo, while they're fun for a day or two, never really changes.  There are always the same gorillas and tigers and assorted birds and bears, but libraries are always changing as they receive new books, and while I'm a fast reader, I would probably never be able to read all of the books in a library if they were on an endless supply.  Also, libraries are generally quiet (which I like), but they also can host activities for the community.  Plus, while museums are fun and I love history, they don't update and change as quickly as libraries do, so like the zoo, they become boring once you've seen everything once or twice.  If I really had to choose to spend the rest of my life in one of these three places, I would choose the library in a heartbeat.

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