Thursday, May 10, 2012

Love to Know Slideshow

The Gift of Time

Many people often complain there isn't enough time in the day to get everything accomplished. If you were able to add an extra hour to the day, what would you do?

If I were able to add an extra hour on to the day, I would spend more time doing things that I enjoy, without missing the much sleep.  I would definitely read more, especially during the school year, when I tend to have little time outside of school and homework.  Also, I would probably spend more time doing things that I need to, but tend to put off, like practicing my clarinet.  In addition I would sleep more on the weekends, since I would have the time to finish homework and projects.  However, even though sometimes an hour can seem like a long time, I feel like I would still want more time added on to the day to do everything that I wanted to do.  

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