Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Number 9

#9.  Why do veterans deserve respect?

I think that veterans deserve respect because they have put their lives on the line to protect their country and their fellow citizens.  Veterans, unlike the rest of the populace have had to leave behind their families and homes, not sure if they'll return, or necessarily when.  These men and women have given so much for their country and for the protection of others, that it should be a given for them to receive respect.  The fact that they are brave enough to go into a field like this alone should warrant a deep respect from those who receive the benefits of their job, such as the freedoms we have in our country or the protection from our antagonists in places like the Middle East.  Veterans have seen the worst of humans and watched people they've grown close to die.  Veterans deserve our respect because they've risked their lives to protect ours.

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