Monday, April 30, 2012

Q= Quesadillas

  • 1 lb. ground beef or chicken- The chicken sizzles as it hits the grill after being marinated for a weekend in order to make the perfect spiedies.  Gray smoke circles up through a few thin branches of a nearby tree into the pure blue sky hanging overhead.  A tradition started by the generation before them, the children stand by taking in the perfect scene of a group of old friends talking and laughing as though they were still in their twenties.   Overlooking the calm lake named for a king of England, a cool breeze drifts up the steep incline from the docks to their temporary home.  A long day of playing in the sand and on various playgrounds makes the sunburned faces happy to be able to sit and relax for a while.
  • 1 pkg. of taco seasoning- Spiciness brings memories of visiting the grandparents down south, sarcasm and sass being the language of the family.  Heat radiating from everything that moves outside of the air-conditioned house, car, and very building you step into.  For the New Yorkers confusion had set in the minute they looked out their windows and saw less pools than they had in their home state, but a simple explanation of the abundant poisonous snakes and such critters makes them never want to leave the safe haven of air conditioning, just like the locals.  
  • 1 sm. can refried beans-  The heat of a summer afternoon picnic under a weeping willow on the front lawn.  Eating only cut up fruit for an early dinner on a worn blanket, where the grass pokes through, tickling your legs.   Silliness leads to laughter from two little girls waiting for their parents to be ready to make the walk around the corner to the dirt hill so that they can play until the mosquitos appear.
  • 1/2 lb. Shredded cheese- As the green grass is chopped to the perfect length by the lawn mower, the scent drifts into the house through the open windows and doors.  Children run, barefoot, between lawns, playing tag in the warm sun.  When the heat finally gets to them, a light blue pool invites them to run home and change into colorful bathing suits, pausing only to ask a parent to supervise.  They stay in until their fingers and toes are wrinkled like a raisin or until a call for dinner beckons, leaving with a promise to meet after for an after-dark edition of their afternoon.
  • 1 pkg. of tortillas- Flat like the big backyard covered in fresh white snow, large footprints make a path for the smaller ones to follow.  A slippery, icy, sled track leads down the hand made ramp to the middle of the yard, where a myriad of footprints have gathered. It takes no time at all for the little girls and their playmates to uncover the circular trampoline at the edge of the yard, making room so they can jump in their heavy snow boots and land in the white padding to make snow angels.

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