Saturday, May 5, 2012


Materialism: Materialism, or historical materialism,  is the idea that reality is only material and that, "There are no Gods or supernatural phenomenon. Ideas, dreams, etc. are all part of material reality".  This theory was introduced by Friedrich Engles, but Karl Marx joined in on the research portion.  Marx's theory stated that people must make anything they need, such as food, and reproduce themselves in ways that get them what they want. "For example, through practical everyday life wage- laborers reproduce themselves physically, i.e. work to earn money in order to buy food, shelter and clothing they need to survive".  I don't really agree with this theory, I think that there are definitely things that are beyond what you can physically see or feel, (or explain) and this theory doesn't explain those things.  I think that if everything is material and nothing is left to mystery, then what is the point of living, when, according to this theory, we are only here to work for what we can't live without and that's it.

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