Sunday, April 22, 2012

Turn your Inkblot into a Butterfly


Mistake- An error
 in calculation
caused by poor reasoning
 insufficient knowledge.

A little girl,
shy, with a habbit
of keeping to herself.
Beginning a new activity
starts the anxiety, heightened
by having to let go of an old friend.

Stress building from
so many opinons
it's hard to find her own.
Although things have
been decided for her, this one,
"Is up to you."

Under the stress only
known to the mind of a child
in a situation of choosing between
a friend and 
endless, unforseen possiblities
a "rash", rushed decision surfaces
to the dismay of those responsible for her.

A season of practicing
proves to be as boring as they told,
but she tells herself
the comfort of her bubble
makes up for it. 

Two seasons later and
the shy little girl's friend has
moved on, to new games.
The little girl,
now not so shy,
finds her way out of that
restricting bubble,
ready to make new friends.

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