Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cathleen F. Crowley

Cathleen F. Crowley, a "newspaper reporter for 15 years", blogs and writes articles for the Times Union about heath.  Her blog, The Pulse, "reflects the stories I'm working on and the issues I'm researching, but you'll also get a  smattering of the behind-the-scenes joys and frustrations of being a modern day newspaper reporter".  Crowley recently reported (today) on an experiment by Albany Medical College getting put on the top 10 list of "Most Ridiculous Research on Animals of 2011" put out by a California based group called In Defense of Animals (IDA).  The experiment was done on rats to see if "music triggers cravings in drug-addicted animals".  36 unaffected rats listened to "Fur Elise" by Beethoven and "Four" by Miles Davis. The rats preferred the Beethoven piece better, "but they liked silence best of all".  Then, the rats were injected with cocaine and exposed to Davis over a few days.  After, the rats that were addicted to the drugs preferred the Davis music.  This experiment shows "music may evoke drug cravings", however Eric Kleiman from the IDA says that the experiment was "'particularly wasteful'".

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