Tuesday, November 22, 2011

TU Tuesday

"Playing Dairy Queen for a Day"
What caused her obsessison with cows?
Is 600 a large, small, or average number of cows to have at a dairy farm?
I like the descriptions of what was happening and how you actually milk a cow.
I like how it took her a long time to get used to milking the cows.

"Resistance Can be Useful"
What did she mean by "putting together up to 500 inches of calendar listings twice a week"?
When she first started interveiwing, what did she report on?
I like how she quoted Deci with a quote about resitance.
I like how she had a message to share that can apply to everyone.

"Ringers in the Extreme"
Why is it not required for professional sports players to remove jewlery?
In 'degloving', is it referring to any portion of the skin or a larger portion of skin being torn off?
I like how she took an unusual (and probabaly normally boring) topic and made it interesting to read about it.
I like how she polled the readers of her blog to get a glimpse at what other people think about the subject.

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