Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Metronome Poetry Prompt

Feel the Beat

One, two, three, four.
One, two three, four.

The steady beat moves
 through the air to the
ears of the students.
Eyes are closed,
for the moment,
so that they can feel the beat
inside before they begin.

One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.

The eyes open as the teacher
the solid tick-tocks.
A first try ends poorly
and so they shut
their eyes again and
open their ears.

One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four. 

Another try proves better,
but still not perfect.
the students, impatient,
sit back and close their eyes,
letting the beat sink in,
 to their brains and their hearts,
determined that the
third time will be the charm.

One,two, three four.
One, two three, four.

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