Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Want to Write About #91

When I was little, before I went first grade, there was an vacant lot that was around the corner from my house.  It was basically a giant dirt hill that all the neighborhood kids would play in.  We, my sister and I, were almost always at the dirt hill (with our parents of course since we were little).  In the nice weather, we would use our sand toys and build sandcastles and such.  During the winter, when there was snow on the ground, we would take our sleds over and go sledding down the hill and play in the snow.  My sister loved playing in the dirt and my parents always had to keep a close eye on her the longer we were at the dirt hill because sometimes she would start to eat the dirt (that was they would determin when it was time to leave).   When I started elementary school a house was built on the lot that had been our dirt hill, which was kind of sad because it was a big part of my early childhood.

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