Tuesday, November 29, 2011

TU Tuesday Guest Speaker

Poise: Kristy was very comfortable with talking in front of us.  She even talked about how when she was youbger she was very shy and now she speaks in front of people all of the time.  She connected very well with and made great eye contact, especially with the person that asked the question. 

Clarity: Kristy was very clear with her pronunciation of words and was loud enough for everyone to hear her.  She also used words that people were able to understand.  Her explanation of her ideas were very clear.

Volume:  Kristy's volume throughout her entire stay was perfect.  Her voice was loud enough for people even in the back of the room to hear.

Information:  Kristy's answers were long and informative with lots of great details.  She told many stories of her experiences to try to give us the best answers to our questions and show us what being a journalist is all about.

Organization:  Kristy's oraganization was very good.  While it would seem at first that her story had nothing to do with the question, she always related it back to the question.  Her answers were clear and organized and made sense.

Unfortunately I did not really get to participate in the discussion we had because by the time I would come up with a question (I kind of like to make sure the question is clear) someone else would have already asked a question, which was similar to the one I had.  Also, the questions that I had already come up with on my blog didn't really fit into the conversation that we were having.  As a class, we were able to keep a conversation going with Kristy for the majority of class (almost 70 minutes). 

I think that Kristy was a great person to bring into class to talk to us about writting as a career and I think that she would be a great source to bring back into visit another class.

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