Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Language of Song

Song Used: Lo Que Venga Después by Julieta Venegas
Song Lyrics English and Spanish: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/Julieta-Venegas-Lo-que-venga-despues-lyrics.html

It was time for a fresh start.  That was what I decided after the accident.  I just couldn't live like that anymore. Always at parties, I almost never saw my parents.  Or my little sister...how I miss her now.  If only I could go back and change that one night...

It was like any other September night, a little chilly, but not bad if you threw on a sweatshirt.  I had been out with my friends as usual and since we were all drinking that night, we decided that since Rebecca had had the least to drink she should drive.

My mom had called about an hour before we left and asked if I could pick up my sister from her friends house.  It was along the way home so I just asked Rebecca to stop.  All o f us were a little drunk, but no one seemed to care.  That was until we stopped to pick up Molly.  She knew we were drunk and refused to get into the car with us.  We sat there for about ten minutes before I threatened we would leave her there and she got in.

We had only gone for another 5 minutes when we approached what's normally a pretty exerted light on the outskirts if town.  We stopped for the red light, but it literally wasn't turning green and since there was no traffic Rebecca decided to run the light.  As luck would have it at the exact moment a speeding box truck came put of nowhere and rammed into the side of our car.  The next hour was complete chaos, full of sirens and screaming and yelling and phones ringing and ringing and ringing.  I couldn't really understand why my parents were so upset, I was fine and I hadn't even seen Molly since we arrived at the hospital so I just assumed she was okay.  But she wasn't.

I lost my sister that night and now I'm ready to start over.

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