Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bucket List

1.)  Visit two European countries- I know a lot of people really want to go to Europe, but I feel like there's so much history there that I could probably spend a couple months in just two countries and not see everything that I wanted to.  While I don't really care which one's I see, I would really like to see Germany and Ireland.

2.)  Spend a day in NYC or another large city without anyone I know-  Kind of random, but I am the type of person that strongly dislikes cities (especially NYC) because of how many people there are.  My friends constantly hear me say that "I hate people".  What I mean is I hate things people do, particularly when they're rude or disrespectful, etc.  Spending a day in the city without my friends would be a HUGE step for me and my "hatred" of people.

3.)  Have a family-  I have always wanted to have a big family.  My favorite movies used to be Yours, Mine, and OursThe Sound of Music, and Cheaper By the Dozen.  Also, I used to love "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" and "19 Kids and Counting".  When I used to write fictional stories I gave my characters at least four siblings and there was always a pair of twins.  I'm saying I want to have that many kids, but I do want to have two or three.

4.)  Live out west or down south-  Not for forever (because I do like living in NY), but I want to experience living somewhere other than in the northeast.  I really would like to go to see the Great Plains because around here, there's really no where without mountains.  While I am used to the convenience of having everything close because the northeast is more densely populated, I think it would be good for me to live somewhere else in the U.S.A. for a while.

5.)  Go into psychology- I really like learning about how people think and why they think the way they do.  I also really like analyzing things...I know it's weird but I do!  I feel like if I went into psychology (particularly experimental psychology or forensic psychology) that I would be able to do that on a daily basis.

6.)  Teach a class of some kind-  I have always wanted to be a teacher, but recently I've taken more of an interest in psychology, but I'm still interested in teaching.  If I go into psychology, I really would love to be an adjunct faculty member at a college or something, so that I could still teach and be in psychology at the same time.

7.)  Learn another language- Right now, I'm learning Spanish in school, but I think it would be beneficial to learn a language (or the basics of a language) like Chinese (just one dialect) because of how much we as a country rely on them for trade and such.  (I also have this deep, highly unrealistic fear that the Chinese are going to take over the I would like to be prepared)

8.)  Learn to play the guitar or piano-  I really like to sing (I kind of sing all day long in my head...) and I feel like learning to play one of these instruments would allow me to continue singing once I'm out of school.  Also, I just feel like piano and guitar are handy instruments to know how to play.

9.)  See (at least) 10 shows on Broadway-  I absolutely love seeing plays and musicals (not so much being in them).  In eighth grade we took a field trip to go see the Lion King on Broadway and it was AMAZING!  Everything about it was spectacular.  I loved it so much that I can't wait to go and see another one! (Also, it will help with my "hatred" of people in NYC)

10.)  Be at the taping of a show-  I don't have a specific show in mind, but I feel like it would be fun to go to a live taping of a show.  I'm not really sure why, but it just looks like so much fun! I mean most of the people at those shows watch it religiously, but I think it would be fun to go and soak in the energy from everyone else there.

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