Friday, March 30, 2012

If you could choose a different time period to live in, when would it be?

If I could choose a different time period then I would choose the 1920's.  I would choose the 1920's because it seems like a very entertaining and great time to be living in the United States.  The 1920's was when America's economy was at great point.  The 1920's would be post- WWI with the birth of jazz and flappers.  The U.S. was at great place and had become one of the world powers.  So many great things happened in America during the early and mid twenties that it is hard to pick another time period that tops the twenties.  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

P=Petta's Restaurant

Petta's Restaurant is located on Duane Avenue (off of 890) in Schenectady (kind of off the beaten track as to location). Petta's is a family owned, traditional Italian restaurant.  In 1951, Felix and Caroline Petta opened their restaurant.  The neighborhood that Petta's is located in used to be a "thriving, working class neighborhood who owed their fortune to General Electric"(, but in the 1990's, the economy of Schenectady fell and the neighborhood began to give off more of an inner city feel.  The current owner, the grandson of Felix, attempted to buy as much land around Petta's to try to help out business so that the environment would feel safer.  Other than the surroundings outside, once you're inside you get the feeling of calm and relaxation.  The staff is very nice and attentive to you.   You can smell the delicious Italian food and can also enjoy the fresh (and addicting), homemade bread while you wait for your food.  The menu offers great Italian choices with lots of pasta and seafood, plus chicken and veal.  The portions are huge and while it can be a little pricey, you get more than your money's worth.  After your dinner you can enjoy fresh Italian deserts that they have sitting in a display case for the entire restaurant's viewing.  I would recommend Petta's because it is a very nice restaurant and you feel like you're at home as soon as you walk in the door.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Book That Changed My Life

My favorite book is Just Listen by Sarah Dessen.  I really love all of Sarah Dessen's books, but I especially love Just Listen.  All of Dessen's books have very different characters in very different situations.  That's one of the reasons I love her writing, and especially Just Listen.  The main characters are Annabel Green and Owen Armstrong.  Annabel is a teen model who has lots of family issues like her anorexic older sister, Whitney, and a huge secret that she's been keeping from everyone.  Owen has a reputation as the kid who gets into fights.  He had recently been sent to anger management for punching another student in the face.  These two become friends under some odd circumstances, as neither has many friends, Owen because of his anger issues and Annabel because of her huge secret that caused her best friend (and most of the school) to no longer like her.  This book speaks so strongly to me because of the bond that Owen and Annabel form, even though they are extremely different and have different views on almost every aspect of life.  Dessen's characters are so realistic that I feel as though I personally know them.  That is why I love Just Listen and enjoy rereading it (and I normally hate rereading books).

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bucket List

1.)  Visit two European countries- I know a lot of people really want to go to Europe, but I feel like there's so much history there that I could probably spend a couple months in just two countries and not see everything that I wanted to.  While I don't really care which one's I see, I would really like to see Germany and Ireland.

2.)  Spend a day in NYC or another large city without anyone I know-  Kind of random, but I am the type of person that strongly dislikes cities (especially NYC) because of how many people there are.  My friends constantly hear me say that "I hate people".  What I mean is I hate things people do, particularly when they're rude or disrespectful, etc.  Spending a day in the city without my friends would be a HUGE step for me and my "hatred" of people.

3.)  Have a family-  I have always wanted to have a big family.  My favorite movies used to be Yours, Mine, and OursThe Sound of Music, and Cheaper By the Dozen.  Also, I used to love "Jon and Kate Plus Eight" and "19 Kids and Counting".  When I used to write fictional stories I gave my characters at least four siblings and there was always a pair of twins.  I'm saying I want to have that many kids, but I do want to have two or three.

4.)  Live out west or down south-  Not for forever (because I do like living in NY), but I want to experience living somewhere other than in the northeast.  I really would like to go to see the Great Plains because around here, there's really no where without mountains.  While I am used to the convenience of having everything close because the northeast is more densely populated, I think it would be good for me to live somewhere else in the U.S.A. for a while.

5.)  Go into psychology- I really like learning about how people think and why they think the way they do.  I also really like analyzing things...I know it's weird but I do!  I feel like if I went into psychology (particularly experimental psychology or forensic psychology) that I would be able to do that on a daily basis.

6.)  Teach a class of some kind-  I have always wanted to be a teacher, but recently I've taken more of an interest in psychology, but I'm still interested in teaching.  If I go into psychology, I really would love to be an adjunct faculty member at a college or something, so that I could still teach and be in psychology at the same time.

7.)  Learn another language- Right now, I'm learning Spanish in school, but I think it would be beneficial to learn a language (or the basics of a language) like Chinese (just one dialect) because of how much we as a country rely on them for trade and such.  (I also have this deep, highly unrealistic fear that the Chinese are going to take over the I would like to be prepared)

8.)  Learn to play the guitar or piano-  I really like to sing (I kind of sing all day long in my head...) and I feel like learning to play one of these instruments would allow me to continue singing once I'm out of school.  Also, I just feel like piano and guitar are handy instruments to know how to play.

9.)  See (at least) 10 shows on Broadway-  I absolutely love seeing plays and musicals (not so much being in them).  In eighth grade we took a field trip to go see the Lion King on Broadway and it was AMAZING!  Everything about it was spectacular.  I loved it so much that I can't wait to go and see another one! (Also, it will help with my "hatred" of people in NYC)

10.)  Be at the taping of a show-  I don't have a specific show in mind, but I feel like it would be fun to go to a live taping of a show.  I'm not really sure why, but it just looks like so much fun! I mean most of the people at those shows watch it religiously, but I think it would be fun to go and soak in the energy from everyone else there.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Language of Song

Song Used: Lo Que Venga Después by Julieta Venegas
Song Lyrics English and Spanish:

It was time for a fresh start.  That was what I decided after the accident.  I just couldn't live like that anymore. Always at parties, I almost never saw my parents.  Or my little I miss her now.  If only I could go back and change that one night...

It was like any other September night, a little chilly, but not bad if you threw on a sweatshirt.  I had been out with my friends as usual and since we were all drinking that night, we decided that since Rebecca had had the least to drink she should drive.

My mom had called about an hour before we left and asked if I could pick up my sister from her friends house.  It was along the way home so I just asked Rebecca to stop.  All o f us were a little drunk, but no one seemed to care.  That was until we stopped to pick up Molly.  She knew we were drunk and refused to get into the car with us.  We sat there for about ten minutes before I threatened we would leave her there and she got in.

We had only gone for another 5 minutes when we approached what's normally a pretty exerted light on the outskirts if town.  We stopped for the red light, but it literally wasn't turning green and since there was no traffic Rebecca decided to run the light.  As luck would have it at the exact moment a speeding box truck came put of nowhere and rammed into the side of our car.  The next hour was complete chaos, full of sirens and screaming and yelling and phones ringing and ringing and ringing.  I couldn't really understand why my parents were so upset, I was fine and I hadn't even seen Molly since we arrived at the hospital so I just assumed she was okay.  But she wasn't.

I lost my sister that night and now I'm ready to start over.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

TU Tuesday-Crime

Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.

My Question: Which states have the death penalty and is there one race that is more affected than another by the death penalty?

The article that I read was about Arizona possibly meeting their record high for the number of executions of inmates this year.  Arizona has already executed two inmates this year and if the courts approve five more then it "...would match the 1999 total, the most ever in the state". The two inmates already executed, Robert Henry Moormann and Robert Charles Towery, were executed February 29 and March 8, respectively. The five other inmates up for the death penalty have committed crimes of rape, murder, kidnapping (more than one).  According to the article "...Arizona appears to be bucking a national trend that has seen many states move away from the death penalty."  At, there is an updated fact sheet (updated March 12, 2012) all about those executed by the death penalty.  There are two pie charts on race.  The first is entitled "Race of Defendants Executed".  It shows that of all executed, 722 were White (56%), 441 were Black (34%), 98 were Hispanic (8%), and 24 were listed as "Other" and accounted for 2%.  These numbers are based off of the 1285 people executed by the death penalty since 1976. The second pie chart was called "Race of Victims in Death Penalty Cases".  According to the graph 76% were White, 15% were Black, 6% were Hispanic and 3% were "Other".  Across the United States, more than half of the states have the death penalty.  These states are:
New Hampshire
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


9. You find a wallet containing $300. By the address, you can tell that the owner is wealthy. Do you keep the money?

No, because, even though they may be wealthy, they probably worked hard to earn their money and it isn't right to steal from people.  Also, if you returned it and they asked where the money was that was in it you would have to lie, which is wrong, of course.  Also, just because this person lives in a wealthy neighborhood and carries around $300 in their wallet, doesn't necessarily mean they are rich.  They could be going through a though financial time just like many other Americans.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Blog Idea

Everyone has their favorite or "lucky" piece of clothing, jewelry, or a pair of shoes that they are attached to and will wear until it is not possible to wear any more. Pick your favorite piece of clothing, jewelry, or pair of shoes and tell why it is your favorite.  Don't forget to describe your piece of clothing, jewelry, or pair of shoes.

Example: My favorite pair of jeans is a pair of faded Arizona jeans that I got in fifth grade.  For some reason when I was in elementary school I hated the feeling of jeans, (which is weird, since now I basically wear nothing else) I thought they were too stiff and uncomfortable to wear.  But, in fifth grade I decided I was going to wear jeans so I went to JC Penny and picked out a pair of light washed flare jeans.  After getting used to them I realized I actually loved jeans and I now have probably too many...but I don't really care!  Obviously they're now about 5 years old, and I don't wear them on a regular basis, but sometimes on the weekend if I just want to feel comfortable I whip out my favorite pair of jeans from fifth grade.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


1. Original Poem

The Heart

When only you changes,
perhaps the heart,
so ferocious will slow
those blazing colors
and surround your desire
for every almost and maybe
and bring a fresh day.

2. Advice

Blayne - I very much liked your poem "Christmas Eve."  Good effort working with form!  Unfortunately, I reserved the May column for the winning poem, and the poem was not a good match for the May column.  I also thought "The Heart" was very successful, with excellent description.  The end was not as strong as the the beginning and middle.  

Mimi Moriarty

3. Revised Poem

The Heart

When only you changes,
perhaps the heart,
so ferocious,
will slow those blazing colors.
Those rainbows of emotion
and enmity,
those symphonies 
of desire and despair. 
Folding again into the 
immaculate diamond.

4. Which is better?

The revised poem is better because, like Moriarty said, the ending wasn't as strong as the beginning and middle, so i tried to determine where the "end" was (which took a very long time) and revised from there, using stronger language to better convey my idea.