Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What I Need to Know about WRITING AND WRITERS to Become a Better Writer

Alec and I decided that we wanted to just broaden our current question; Why do people read poetry? into something more along the lines of Why do people read?  Understanding what makes some people want to read more than others can be helpful when writing, especially if you are trying to write for a specific audience.  Using the topic Why do people read? would give us more room to explore the types of writing that people read, how often they read, what they enjoy reading and even how the amount of reading that they do affects their writing.  We can ask about what it is that people's favorite authors do that make them love the books written by them.  We can see the aspects of writing that make people stop reading books in the middle, or never pick them up in the first place.  Since there seems to be a huge lack of people, especially teenagers who don't read poetry on a regular basis, or unless they have to for class, answering the question Why do people read poetry? would be much harder than finding out why they don't by answering the question Why do people read?

Speaker 1/17= I was absent

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