Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Original Poems I

Type 1.) Acrostic


Listen to the silence. Creeping
Into the air as you exit the
Bustling hallway, entering a
Refuge of sorts that
Appeals to the studious and well-
Read.  All things considered,
You'll love it here

Type 2.) Ladder

Old Ladder

rungs sturdy
with chipping paint
and exposed wood that
causes splinters who don't let
go, no matter how
hard you try.
Against the

Type 3.) Road Sign Poetry


Caution to you
stepping foot out into the streets.

Caution to you
young ones
playing where the lawns end,
where the green meets gray.

Caution to you
for if you
venture out into the unknown,
the scary abyss of the world we know...
you might just like it.

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