Monday, January 9, 2012

Round Two= Deb Smith

From the article titled Tales of the Beach based on Smith's trip with her son to Nerja, Spain on the Costa del Sol.  Throughout the article Smith compares the "exotic" vacations that she went on as a child to a New England beach to the "exotic" adventure that she was on with her son in Spain.  Smith infuses the culture of the country into the article by using some spanish words when she's talking about food; "In the Alcazin, I discovered horchata, an almond-milk drink and bought velvet-smooth melocontones (peaches) from the market."  Smith also gives vivid descriptions of the scenery from the bus; "...the steep ochre-hued Sierra Nevada Mountains gave way to the whitewashed costal villages above an azure Mediterranean.  It was only 20-some miles to the next continent." Also, she describes the typical beach of Europe; "Like many European beaches it's pebbles instead of sand; the ocean undertow quickly fills your sandals with dime-sized stones and buries your feet in gravel...we jumped down onto pebbly Burriana Beach, where restaurants and shops wedged cheek-to-jowl with one another."

The audio essay  that I listened to was Revenge of the Tooth Fairy.  In Deb Smith's voice you can hear what she puts emphasis on; "This is vital."  You also can hear in her voice the emotions that you can only hear when some one is actually talking to you, as opposed to a written essay, where you can guess what the author is trying to convey, but you can never be certain, unless you talk to the author about that piece of work.  Near the beginning of the essay, Deb talks about how the story of the Tooth Fairy, how she collects teeth to make a piano.  In the next line she says; "Likely story." and you can hear in her voice that she doesn't believe it. If you weren't listening to her talk, some one could take her literally and be confused for the rest f the article, where it is absolutely clear that she doesn't like anything to do with dentistry, even the Tooth Fairy.

Do you ever use any other types of writing?
What is your editing process and how long does it normally take?
1/6 Speaker = ***

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