Sunday, October 23, 2011

Where The Wild Things Are

Where The Wild Things Are was one of the books read most often in my house.  My parents were the kind of people that read constantly to my sister and I when we were growing up. We always read a book before going to bed when we were little and as we grew up we would read longer books, reading a couple chapters a night.  At Lynnwood (and perhaps similar programs at the other elementary schools) there was a program called Lynwood Reads a Thousand Books, where there were 100 bags, each with 10 books in them that you could sign out and take home and when you were done reading them you could bring them back and get a new bag.  The books were mostly picture books and we went through the bags really quickly, sometimes being done with the bag in a week.  One of my favorite books was one that was in the 1000 and also one that we already owned, Where The Wild Things Are.  It was one of the four books we read most often, the others being Goodnight Moon, Love You Forever, and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Also, in my kindergarten class we had a mystery reader come in twice a month.  The mystery reader was normally a parent that took the day or a half day from work and came in to read a book to our class.  Some parents were better at keeping it a secret than other and so sometimes it wasn't really a mystery, but when my dad was the mystery reader he kept it a secret.  He read Where The Wild Things Are and while reading he roared like the wild things and scared my class.  This book will always be one of my favorite books from my childhood.  

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