Saturday, October 1, 2011

Time is Worth Much More Than Money

      I agree with this statement because when you think about it money doesn't necessarily buy you happiness, and it also can't buy you more time.  Also, time is more important because it's time spent with people that make stronger relationships, not money spent on them.  For example children whos parents spend money on them rather than time with them generally have a better ralationship with whoever the parents hire to take care of them and the parents don't really know anything about their kids.  In addition to that, parents that spend time with their children reading and playing games and other activities that stimulate learning help the children to know things before they get to school, which also helps them in the long run.  Time is also worth more than money, because time can teach you valuable life lessons that can't be bought.  For example, time can help you get over the loss of a loved one, while spending money helps nothing at all and can actually cause more problems in the long run. 

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