Monday, October 17, 2011

Vintage Photo

Women Workers

This picture, Women Workers, is worth words to me because it really shows how much women were a part of WWII.  Also it shows how much the status of women changed from only being though of as housewives and seamstresses to working in factories manufacturing aircraft and other necessities for the war.  Women Working is a great represtentation of how WWII actually brought the U.S. together for a common cause (and helped us get out of the Great Depression).  Women Workers also shows that women were able to actually use the tools that they were working with, which was a big leap forward from sewing machines and cleaning supplies.  I love this picture because it is an action photo, where they're working with metal, which gives a cool effect.  Plus their bandanas give them a "Rosie the Riveter" look, which was the common look of the time since women were taking over most of the men's jobs that they were leaving behind because of the war.

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