Wednesday, October 12, 2011

TU Tuesday Blog

Stephanie is the author of the Times Union blog, A Proffesor's Wife.  Stephanie (none of her posts seem to have her last name anywhere) writes about her daily life.  She and her husband have moved from West Virginia then to Ohio and ended up here.  On  September 21, 2011, her post was "Three comments from the trash vault", where she proceeded to share the three worst comments that she's recieved about her blog posts.  For example, one of the comments she got was "Why exactly did the Times Union invite you to blog? Weren't there enough housewives in the Capitol Region that liked to shop already?", which isn't the nicest of comments, especially since reading some of the titiles of her posts, none of them seem to have to do with shopping.  However, I don't really think that she needed an entire post, or a post at all, to somewhat insult and make fun of the people that left those comments.  She even says, "Oddly enough, I would like to take this time to give the meanies some attention which they so desperately crave."  To me, this doesn't seem to be the best way to go about things.  Yes, I don't like when people make mean comments, especially if they're wrong -like another one of the comments she recieved- but I aslo don't think that they should be recognized for doing something that most of society -I hope- would frown upon.  In addition, giving someone recognition for anything, even if it was intended to make them look poorly to others, tends to make them feel like it's okay to go ahead and do it again, which was clearly not the point she wanted to make.

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