Wednesday, February 1, 2012

TU Tuesday

"New Yorkers shouldn't go along with a rigged redistricting process." "They should refuse to play the Senate's game." = repetition- the act of repeating; repeated action, performance, production, etc.
"...rigged redistricting..." = alliteration- the repetition of a sound at the beginning of two or more neighboring words
"...tenuous majority." = oxymoron- a figure of speech the combines two opposing or contradictory ideas 
The article "Don't play Senate's game" by the TU Editorial Board was written in response to Majority Leader Dean Skelos' plan to redistrict existing boundaries to form an entirely new voting district for the Senate.  According to the article, Skelos publicly promised an "independent redistricting process" and the process was "hijacked by a group of senators for the purpose of keeping themselves in power." These strong words help give the reader the assurance that the authors feel very strongly about this subject and that they should too.  The repetition by the authors that New Yorkers should dislike what Skelos is doing and voice their own opinion before it's too late is of the utmost importance to the piece, since it is an opinion article where the author is trying to sway people to think like them.  Also, when the authors use the  oxymoron in the sentence: "And now they're trying to impose a whole new Senate district on New York in order to preserve, if no expand, their tenuous majority." you understand that they really have no power, even though they are the majority.  Without the figurative language, the piece would be dull and boring and no one would probably take the time to read it, but the urgency that comes through (especially through the repetition) makes you want to keep reading.

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