Tuesday, December 13, 2011

TU Tuesday- Editorial

Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.
The editorial on the occupy Albany protests was very well written.  The author acknowleges that people can have a view that is different from that of the editorial; "There are plenty of people who don't particularly like the Occupy movement or its messages. Some feel — or at least like to assert — that the protesters have no message at all".  However, the author also clearly states their point that, while in other places across the country, while the protests seem to be going nowhere and are getting violent, Albany's protests are peaceful and actually seem to be accomplishing something.   For example, " At least for now, Mayor Jerry Jennings is continuing a policy of accommodating the Occupy Albany protesters who have been encamped in Academy Park since Oct. 21. What's more, both the mayor and the demonstrators have worked out some issues that in another city might have led to forced eviction.  This matters."   The author also compares the occupy protesters to the tea party and shows how the two groups are similar; "And just as the tea party's often vague pronouncements about 'taking back our government' and 'losing our freedom' got people reading the Constitution and paying attention to deficits, the Occupy movement has focused attention on the growing wealth gap in America, the undue influence of money on public policy, the struggling middle class, and high unemployment that gets more lip service than action from politicians".


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