Thursday, December 15, 2011

Microfiction: "The sound of breaking glass stopped her."

The sound of breaking glass stopped her.  Why had she brought him with her tonight?  He still needed more training.  Slowly, she backed away from the window that she had carefully been trying to jiggle open.  The security alarm was echoing down the street, and Casey knew they only had a matter of time before the police showed up.  
“Zach, where are you?” Casey whispered, hoping he was close, even though it had sounded like the window broke on the other side of the house. 
“Here,” came the answer from the darkness of the large bushes that were on the side of the house.
“Let’s go.”
“But we didn’t finish the job, Casey.”
“You can’t always finish a job Zach. And, if we stay any longer we’re done for good.”  Zach pulled back at the harsh tone his sister’s voice took on.  A siren in the distance sent panic through Casey, “We have to go now, Zach, they’re already on their way.  We don’t have time!” Casey pushed past him and into the abyss that was the backyard. 
“But, Casey, we have to!”
Casey spun around, “NO, Zach. I don’t know how else to tell you. WE DO NOT HAVE TIME!  They can’t catch us Zach,” the panic in her voice had turned to desperation and she no longer felt the need to whisper.  “Remember what happened to Derek?  Do you want THAT to be US?”  He shook his head.  “I didn’t think so. Now let’s GO!” 
Casey turned and ran to the end of the property, careful to step over the thin thread like wire that surrounded all private properties and was specially made so that the wire would cut you as you went through and could match you in seconds on the government’s database.  No sooner had she made it to the thin tree line that separated the house from the local ballpark, than the police vans themselves whipped into the driveway. 
                “Zach? Zach, where did you go?” Casey whispered into the darkness, hoping her brother would appear like he had the last time, but she had no such luck. She saw him huddled under the window that he had broken before. 
Casey shook her head at him motioning for him to come to the safety of the trees, but he ignored her.  In no time at all he had climbed into the kitchen and almost as soon as he made it in, an officer had him by the collar and was holding him up in front of the window.  Zach was kicking and trying to fight the cop off, but it was no use, the town had just gotten a new set of steel officers that were much tougher than the old aluminum set.  Casey knew in her heart that she wanted to help her brother, but she also knew that these days you couldn’t let emotion get in the way of your survival.  So she turned, and ran, disappearing into the darkness of the night.

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